Sometimes a dog is just sterile.What vitamins/drugs could best improve my dog's fertility? Websites/blogs to advice/teach me is welcomed.?
No need to breed. Go check out a shelter and see how many dogs already don't have homes.
Take her to a veterinary reproductive specialist before she comes in heat to discuss the situation... she may recommend that when the b*tch comes in heat you:
Do a progesterone assay
Check for cell cornification
Do a smear to check for infection
Bloodwork to see if hormones are sufficient to sustain pregnancy
or any of a number of different things
All this assumes, of course, you are using a viable male who can reproduce.
My parents had the same problem with their labrador. She's a wonderful dog who did well in shows, passed all of her vet exams with flying colors, my parents talked to other breeders etc. and did everything by the book. They took Sadie (the dog) to several different studs and left her there for the duration of her heat to make sure she mated on the correct day to no avail. They finally thought she was sterile until she accidently got pregnant at 7 years old with her first litter! woops She went on to have four healthy pups and was spayed due to her age but I really suggest you talk this over with your vet.
If you think that your dog gets a ';period', you have NO business breeding. I have some advice...SPAY HER!
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