Saturday, July 31, 2010

GUITARISTS!!! - Any great websites or advice on the PROPER way to use special effects?

A lot of guitarists ';over use'; their effects - any advice on proper placement, use, and control of special effects in a song arrangement? One example of overuse of an effect is leaving a chorus pedal on all the time... how do YOU use your effects with TASTE? (Assuming that you do use effects - I know some players don't). Thanks to all who provide a decent answer. I am also interested in the different ways that you might connect (series/parallel/order) your effects, what you like, what you LOVE, etc. - again, thanks!GUITARISTS!!! - Any great websites or advice on the PROPER way to use special effects?
A very tough question, as we all strive for ';our'; sound. I think most players over use effects and as a result end up sounding like mud - or certainly less distinctive! Let's face it, guitarists want to be heard, so the best way to cut through is to have a distinctive sound. Think Alan Holdsworth... nobody sounds like Alan and that's why we talk about his sound. I'm not suggesting you get a sound like his, but try to develop a sound that moves YOU and it will likely move the audience.

The first step in finding your sound is your amp. If your amp sounds like crap or sounds like a POD, you're going to sound like every other guitarist out there. Get a great amp sound, have a boost device for solos and use other effects tastefully (which means sparingly).

Think of your favourite guitarist's sound. Do you hear thick chorus or phasers? Probably not - you hear a distinctive tone, with a tiny bit of delay and reverb.

There's great info at Harmony Central - check it out.

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