My husband suggested this site - http://www.newdads.comAre they any good father to be websites that give good info %26amp; advice? has a dad's section that is really good! You can also put in the babie's due date and it will give you information on what's going on with your baby this week and if you scroll down it'll have a DAD THIS WEEK section!!! =0)Are they any good father to be websites that give good info %26amp; advice? has a whole section just for dads to be
good luck and congrats on the baby!
That's great that you're trying to get information, you're already taking a big step into being a wonderful dad.I'm not sure of a website but there is a book called What to expect when expecting. Very helpful for the guy to understand what your woman is going thru and what symptoms she will have and phases she will go thru.
Unfortunately no book can totally prepare you for any child because all kids are different you just have to use your instinct and better judgment with your own child.
I wish you the best of luck and congrats!
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